Understanding The Adoption Process

The Adoption Process for Unplanned Pregnancy

Step 1: Contact Us

Because of your interest in adoption, our Texas adoption agency has information packets which can be made available to you at no obligation. You may request one by phone (1800-776-6508) or by E-mail at mmiller@aimadoptions.org .

When you receive this information packet, please look over all of the materials provided. Be sure to examine the information thoroughly. We encourage you to ask questions. You will not be pressured by anyone at the adoption agency to make a hasty, ill-informed decision. Building strong families means preparing adoptive parents. Take the first step by contacting us today.

Step 2: Make a new friend

If you should decide AIM Adoptions is the Texas adoption agency that will best meet your needs, you will be assigned a caseworker. You will have access to your caseworker 24-hours a day, 7-days a week through her cell phone number, which will be provided to you at the time that you make a commitment to work with our adoption agency in Houston. The cell phone is set up to receive e-mail, text messages, and pages.

We ask that non-emergency needs be handled during reasonable waking hours, whenever possible. All urgent/emergency requests will be addressed immediately, while non-urgent requests may be scheduled for a time convenient to the caseworker and you.

If you have any problem reaching your caseworker, please dial the regular office line (281-821-6508). A staff person, who will assist you in locating the caseworker, answers this line 24-hours a day.

Step 3: Your initial interview

Although adoption is a very loving option for young women finding themselves in a crisis situation, other alternatives must be looked at to make sure that the best plan is made for the child.

During your initial interview with AIM Adoptions, you will be assigned a qualified counselor; Counseling is an important part of your plan. You and your counselor will discuss options other than adoption that include: parenting your child with resources offered through TDFPS (food stamps, AFDC, Medicaid, HUD housing, etc.), family members to assist you in parenting, seeking the biological father as a resource for support and assistance to you and your child, etc.

If you should complete an adoption for your child, post-adoption counseling is encouraged and available for an indefinite period, free of charge to you.

AIM Adoptions has several books and pamphlets to assist you with understanding the adoption process as well as helping you customize an adoption plan to meet your particular needs. Please ask your counselor about materials that would be helpful to your individual situation.

Step 4: Customize your adoption plan

Adoption in the 21st century is very different from those adoptions that occurred during the time your parents were growing up. AIM Adoptions still offers closed adoptions for biological families who prefer them; however, the majority of today’s adoptions are “open.”

Open adoptions offer a variety of information-sharing and communication between the biological family and the adoptive family. There are no limits to the possibilities. Each open adoption is tailor-made to meet the needs of all three of the triad members: — the biological family, the adoptive family, and the child.

Your counselor and our Family Service Director will be able to help you work out a plan that will be comfortable.

It is believed that openness will diminish the need for adopted children to search for their biological families because ongoing contact will always provide an avenue for contact at an appropriate time.

All legal matters will be addressed during your first counseling session. At that time, you will be given a sample copy of all legal documents that will be signed to complete an adoption.

You will be asked to sign a receipt documenting we have given this information to you and instructed you to seek whatever advice is available to you to understand the documents.

Our attorney is also available to interpret the documents. You will be informed about the legal status of your case as it progresses.

At AIM Adoptions, our caring team will be with you, every step of the way, to help you make the best decisions for you and your baby. For more information about the process, contact us — there is no obligation or judgment here.

****Please Note - Currently our intake is closed to potential adoptive families*****

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