woman praying

What The Bible Says About Adoption

At AIM Adoptions, we are proud to be a Christian-based adoption agency serving the greater Houston area. We combine grace and love to help young mothers who are facing unwanted pregnancies find the right solution for their baby by placing them into the waiting arms of loving Christian families. While our birth mothers do not need to be Christian to be cared for by our compassionate team, we know that some mothers may be wondering what He would say about adoption. And, there’s plenty! In today’s post, we visit just a few of the verses littered throughout the Bible that pertain specifically to adoption.

Before we jump right into specific verses, it is important to understand that the Lord sees all of us as His children, and as such we are here only to serve each other and Him. Through the selfless act of affording His children the best opportunities in life, that is the ultimate gift. A common theme throughout the Bible is that children do not belong to the parents from whom they were born, rather, as the next generation, the entire village is responsible to protect the best interests of the child and bring them up in His likeness. Never is blood a real concern in the Biblical family unit.

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“And when he was exposed, Pharaoh’s daughter adopted him and brought him up as her own son.” Acts 7:21

The idea of adoption appears early on in the Bible and is defined as the act of leaving one’s natural family and entering into the privileges and responsibilities of another. In fact, as early as Exodus, in a time when the Pharaoh declared that every Jewish baby should be thrust into the Nile River, rather than let her baby perish, Moses’ mother gave him to the Pharaoh’s daughter, who raised Moses as her own. As he grew, there was no question of his heritage, he simply belonged and became one of the most important prophets in Judaism.

“Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me,” Matthew 18:5

This verse shows how highly regarded children are and how God acknowledges that those who do right by children and bring them to him in faith are children of his own. For both birth mothers who put their baby up for adoption in His name (to help them walk in his path as a follower) and the adoptive parents who receive (love, support, and aid in their time of need) are stewards of faith and blessed with salvation.

What the Bible teaches us about adoption.

We would be remiss if we didn’t point out perhaps the two most important adoptions in Christianity. The first being that of Jesus himself, when he was adopted by Joseph, Mary’s husband, though he was not Christ’s father. And, the second being Jews and Gentiles alike, being adopted in salvation by Christ’s grace.

At AIM Adoptions, we walk with God to find all of his children a loving home. As a mother experiencing an unwanted pregnancy, you have the opportunity to do God’s work and offer your baby the love and resources it deserves. Rather than putting your baby in a proverbial basket on the Nile, let us help you pick the family who will accept your child as their own. Our staff welcomes all mothers as Christ’s children, come tell us your story, we are listening. For more information or to get started with the adoption process, contact us today.