You’ve supported your child and their spouse through the decision to have children and perhaps through infertility. Now they are adopting your grandbaby and you may be facing mixed emotions. Grief that you are not having the grandchildren you once dreamed of, maybe disconnected because you don’t feel the excitement and attachment to the child (yet), or perhaps your love cup is overflowing and you are overjoyed. Whatever your feelings or reactions, rest assured that they are normal. In today’s post, we will share some tips on how to become a grandparent through adoption.
At AIM Adoptions in Houston, we have been helping build families all throughout Texas since the 1980s. We have helped thousands of birth parents, hopeful families, adoptive parents, and their parents, and adopted children adjust to adoption and settling into new family dynamics. If your children are adopting your grandchild, connect with us for adoption resources and information.